13th International Children’s Festival “Sun – Joy – Beauty” Nessebar
June 15 – 19, 2012
The festival “Sun – Joy – Beauty” will be held in Nessebar, a town where history meets modernity. Nessebar is a town with thousands of years of history, situated on the Black Sea coast. This place is unique with its location amidst sand dunes and vegetation, as well as with its spacious beaches, hot sun and rich history. The town is under the aegis of UNESCO. The 13th International Children’s Festival “Sun – Joy – Beauty” Nessebar 2012 will feature creative collectives and performers from Bulgaria and other countries. The contest is organized by the Municipality of Nessebar and the Municipal Children’s Complex – Nessebar, under the auspices of the mayor of Nessebar – Mr. Nikolay Dimitrov. Organizers aim at encouraging the development of children and youth creative work through communication between leaders and young people from various collectives, and enriching their repertoire with classic and contemporary works. The festival furthers the advancement of participants’ talents and the development of the mastery of their performance. One of the main goals of the festival is to unite children, youth, and adolescents from Bulgaria and other countries in creative collectives and also familiarize them with the cultural, historical and natural landmarks of Bulgaria.
Festival organization terms: The festival is open to collectives, small groups, ensembles and solo performers. The festival shall be held in two parts – contest and festival. Participants can participate in both parts, if they wish. Contest part, sections: Music – classical music groups – academic choirs, solo performers; – traditional folk music and pop music vocal groups and solo performers; – instrumental ensembles and solo performers – folk, classical and other instruments Choreography: – groups performing folk dances, classical ballet, modern ballet, ballroom dancing, dancesport, character dance, cheerleading, acrobatic Rock’n’Roll etc.; Fine Art – Artists Non-standard forms of youth creative works: – group and solo performances of circus acrobatics, magicians, juggling, mime, fashion; Festival activities: Contest “Miss and Mister Festival” Family Talents Traditional costumes show Friendly football matches Concert in Sunny Beach resort Entertainment program – visit to museums and discos
Contest sections, categories and terms of participation: Section “Music” Categories: a / folk song – solo performers and ensembles; b / classical singing – solo, duet, trio, quartet, choir; c / pop and variety songs – solo, duet, trio, quartet, vocal group. d / classical instrument – piano, violin and other. e / folk instruments Section “Choreography” Categories: 1.Folk Dances – Bulgarian folklore dances or other nationalities folklore dances: a/ processed folk dance; b/ authentic folk dance; c/ stylized folk dance. 2. Classical Dance: a/ ballet; b/ neo-classical 3. Character Dance – stylized representation of traditional national dances. 4. Oriental dance “Belly dance”. 5. Modern dance – Performances in this category can be in the following styles: a / jazz dance; b / contemporary dance; c / Graham; d / disco; e / freestyle /free dance/ – mixture of styles is allowed. f / non-standard forms – mime, step, acrobatic Rock’n’Roll, circus acrobatics, magicians, fashion etc. 6. Vernacular dance styles / street dance / – performances in this given genre category shall be in the style of urban dance and include all styles: a / Hip-Hop; b / Break dance; c / New Style; d / Locking &Popping; e / Krumping; f / Clown dancing; g / Free dance / from this category / etc. 7. Sports /Ball/ dances – duets and collectives. 8. Cheerleading. Section “Fine Arts” En plein air – 3 days. Additional festival forms 1.Contest “Miss and Mister Festival” 2.Nomination for „Family talents” (non-competitive) 3.Nomination “Traditional Folk Costume” – show (non-competitive) 4.Friendly football matches – (non-competitive)
Those who want to participate in the contest must submit an application form and give their names in the Municipal Children’s Complex until April 30, 2012. The festival will be held from June 15th to June 19th in Nessebar. Participants shall present 2 performances, each lasting not more than 5 minutes, in every specified in the nomination style, if there are no other requirements listed in the terms of the particular nomination. On June 12, 13, 14 and 15 the organizers will hold technical conferences with leaders of the groups. On June 17, 18 and 19, at 9 a.m., in the Convention Center “Sochi”, will be held meetings with the jury for the previous contest day. Ranking by nominations and awarding will be held on June 19th, 2012, at 6 p.m. AWARDS First-place, second-place and third-place winners in each nomination and age group are awarded a diploma, a plaque and a prize. Each collective and individual participant receives a participation certificate. The jury also awards a BIG PRIZE in each section: Music – vocal, instrumental; Choreography; Fine Arts – artist. The Municipality of Nessebar has also established an award with a cash prize for: MUSIC TEACHER, VOCAL TEACHER, CHOREOGRAPHY TEACHER, FINE ARTS TEACHER. The jury and the sponsors also award their prizes. Program 13th International Festival of children creativity – Nessebar 2012 June 12 – June 15: Arrival of the participants, registration and conferences in the Municipal Children’s Complex – Nessebar, complex “Mladost”62 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. Technical Conferences June 15, 7.30 p.m.: Opening – participants parade, raising the national flags at the gates of the city, introduction of the participants – stage “Amphitheatre” June 16, 10 a.m.: Start of the En plein air Meeting of the mayor of Nessebar with the festival participants June 16, 17, 18: Contest program (by nominations) Festival program June 19, 6 p.m.: Awards ceremony, Gala concert – Amphitheater Nessebar KITT offers to all festival participants special group prices for accommodation.
