
50% discount from “Prophon” for members of BTC and NBT

50 percent discount from the Society for Collective Management of Related Rights in the music “Prophon” will be received by all members of the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber. This was announced by the chairman of the organization Georgi Nikolov. For this purpose hoteliers and restaurateurs should send a notice to Prophon that they want to benefit from the agreed discount.


In the next five years, members of the National Board of Tourism will also benefit from the reduction. The sector’s expectations are that with the special conditions achieved, but also with increased control, a better collection of the due remuneration will be achieved.

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I love history, to walk through old cobblestone streets, to smell the air of the past times and to feel the legends in the air. And I'm lucky to have been born in a country with a glorious past and a lot of stories to tell. Bulgaria was founded more than 1,300 years ago and has never changed its name. But the life of people, their everyday habits, their traditions, their music and their art have changed over the centuries. I invite you to take a walk through the different ages of Bulgaria and to get to know it better.