
Additional places in the trains for Surva festival

Additional seats on the trains between Sofia and Pernik on January 26 and 27 provide “Bulgarian State Railways-Passenger Transport”. The reason is the international mummer’s festival Surva, which will take place in Pernik. In addition to the extra seats on all trains running between the two cities in the period between 8 am and 4 pm, the BDZ also puts in motion 6 extra trains.

mummers glushtnik

The price of a ticket for travel from Sofia to Pernik is BGN 2.30 (approximately 1.15 Euro). The owners of railway cards benefit from a reduction of the final price and for these customers, the ticket is worth 1.35 BGN (approximately 0.70 Euro). There are also one-day cards for unlimited travel between Sofia and Pernik within one day. The price of the card is 4 BGN (approximately 2 Euro).

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I love to travel because of the encounters with diverse people and cultures and the chance to touch other worlds. And this can happen even without leaving the borders of your own country. For example, at a festival, you can travel thousands of years and dozens of borders without leaving your place. For me, the journey is not only beautiful landscapes and ancient landmarks but also thousands of human stories. Let's learn them together.