
Apollonia Festival of Arts will celebrate its thirtieth birthday in 2014

Apollonia Festival of Arts will celebrate its thirtieth birthday in 2014In 2014 one of the most important cultural events in Bulgaria – Apollonia will celebrate its 30th birthday. 30 years Apollonia Festival of Arts, held in the Black Sea town of Sozopol, presents examples of Bulgarian culture.



The first edition of the festival took place on September 1, 1984 by initiative of  musicians, artists, film makers, writers and journalists. Traditionally the cultural forum organize the meetings between famous Bulgarian artists and new generation of authors. Apollonia Festival of Arts will be held in Sozopol from the 28 of August to the 6 of September 2014.

Welcome to Sozopol in Apollonias anniversary year 2014!

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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.