141 years of the April Uprising will be traditionally celebrated in Koprivshtitsa on May 1st. On that day / or on 20th of April by the old church calendar/ shoot the first rifle of the Bulgarians who want to gain freedom from the Ottoman Empire. May 1 is also the official feast of the town of Koprivshtitsa.

The event will be celebrated with theatrical performance, which will restore episodes from the April revolt. The revolutionary Bulgarians dressed with a typical for that period clothes will fight again with the Ottoman soldiers for Freedom in “April 20th” square at 11:30 a.m. Half an hour earlier, flowers will be laid at the tomb of the revolutionary Todor Kableshkov who was one of the main ideologues of the April Uprising and was born in Koprivshtitsa.

In the home of the patriot is also preserved the famous bloody letter, which gives rise to the rebellion. Although it is unsuccessful, the revolution of the enslaved Bulgarians and its bloody pogrom generates the sympathy of the ordinary citizens of Western Europe and Russia. In the end, this changed the policy of the Great Powers, and only 12 years later led to the liberation of Bulgaria.
At 12:30 in Koprivshtitsa square starts a concert program, whose undisputed star will be the performer of folklore Nikolina Chakardakova.