The Episcopal basilica in Sandanski is extremеly impressing. Not only because it was built in the fourth century, when Christianity had not yet managed to establish itself as a world religion. The three-nave restored building was opened in April this year. According to scientists, the church was able to compete in splender the Great Basilica in the old Bulgarian capital Pliska. Its walls were made of boulders and on a certain distance were placed sectors with 3 to 5 rows of bricks arranged as belts. The construction is typical for the late Roman period.

Unusually for a church that in Sandanski was with two floors. On the ground floor were praying men, while on the second – women. There was also a large room in which they baptized the converts believers. The building was destroyed nearly two centuries later. Reserved, however, are part of the beautiful ground mosaics. In the basilica is revealed also spring with holy water. In the room where it was found were placed relics of a saint.

The walls were decorated with colored plaster, as nowadays only a fraction of them remained. The yard of the church served as a place where the faithful gathered before the service. The covered corridors kept the people from rain and bad weather. There was found in the yard also a preserved well. In the basilica is found as well a unique fountain, to which water is supplied to the principle of communicating vessels.