On 25th and 26th of November in Sofia will be held an exhibition-competition for the most beautiful cats. Over the weekend in the capital, the audience will be able to see over 20 breeds of creatures in the Museum „Earth and people“. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. you will have the chance to enjoy the rare Peterbald. The cat resembles the cats favorite of the Egyptian pharaohs. The most beautiful cats will be selected by a prestigious international jury in different categories.5

The biggest prize will be the cat chosen for the European champion. Castrated animals can be included in the European premium category. The smallest cats that will be able to participate are 4 months old, and the oldest will compete in the age category for veterans of 8 years of age and more. During the two days of the show, the audience will be able to see 150 different cats.

In order to win the prize, the most beautiful cat must have charm and good character. The scene of the cat’s gorge will be the giant crystals in the Museum „Earth and people“. On the second floor lovers of delicate creatures will be able to buy a picture of a cat of their favorite breed from the artist Milena Valchanova. Or order a portrait of your pet.