
CSR as Innovative tool to support the touristic companies to overcome the current challenges

First the Covid-19 pandemic and then the energy crisis that hit the whole of Europe, it was these elements that put a strain on the tourism sector and on the touristic enterprises. Institutions, governments, companies and various touristic associations have long been committed to finding solutions that allow tourism businesses to overcome the current crisis and allow the different categories of tourists to continue travelling and taking their holidays.

In this difficult context, an answer comes from the European Union, which, through its Erasmus program with KA2, has financed a transnational project involving six partners from Norway, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Croatia and Cyprus. The project fosters to achieve the main objectives of helping tourism business move towards 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Tourism by making them closer to the principles covered by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The project aims to contribute to improve innovations within the touristic sector, by adopting processes linked to CSR principles, training, among tourism MSMEs, tourism businesses, CSR consultants and CSR trainers, to improve the acceptance and adoption of CSR principles and create a more impactful action that is suitable for being transferred to other players across Europe.

The project, with its actions, will develop a new operative model for C-VET of experts, trainers and consultants that will allow spreading the application of CSR principles into the Tourism sector, full matching the priority Education, science, technology, research and innovation, as key enabler for Sustainability transition (Agenda 2030).

Thus represents an innovative approach to face and overcome the current challenges that the touristic sector is facing, thanks also to the adoption and application of an Interactive and participatory approach on the development of the project results, on which the final users are active involved and contribute to the production of concrete results responding to the real market needs, improving competences of VET trainers, acquiring digital skills, matching the priority of Digital Transformation. The expected project results will improve the digital and green skills of managers, entrepreneurs, consultants and experts working within the touristic sector, contributing to innovation in VET system and having positive impacts on internal issues (people management, diversity management, equality and inclusion, physical and mental well-being) and external emergency (climate change, health and environmental pressure, etc.).

The Bulgarian Touristic Chamber (BTCH) is the project Bulgarian partner and it will be the co-leader for the implementation of the project result n.2 dedicated to the “E-learning toolkit Training competences Design and Piloting Training and Validation and will contribute for the implementation of whole project results and activities and implement the Multiplier event in Bulgaria. BTCH especially, due to its participation on European and International network of Touristic chambers, will support the implementation of the sharing and promotional activities.

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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.