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Adventure, Events, Festivals

Между 26-ти и 28-ми октомври в Елена за поредна година ще се проведе атрактивния празник на еленския бут. Направата на вкусното сушено свинско месо е превърнато в изкуство в планинския град. Всеки може да опита деликатеса, да се включи в игри, забавления, да научи

Between 3rd and 5th, October in Isperih will be held the traditional maize fair. In addition to a variety of artworks made from grain, you can also take part in the Carnival Costume Competition, and the smallest children's fun games are organized.

How to wash gold from river sand can learn everyone during the 28th exhibition of minerals, fossils and precious stones. It will take place between 12th and 14th of October at the National Museum of Earth and People. Children will be able to see the