In Zaburdo, the sun goes up with the custom of Old Martha
In the Rhodope village of Zaburdo each year, on the night of 13th to 14th March, masqueraded boys and men hidden behind terrible masksroam through the streets and drive away the evil forces.
In the Rhodope village of Zaburdo each year, on the night of 13th to 14th March, masqueraded boys and men hidden behind terrible masksroam through the streets and drive away the evil forces.
How did the Bulgarian girls beautify during the Renaissance and what kind of jewelry they wore at holidays, you can find out if you visit the exhibition in the ethnographic museum Kyorpeev’s House in Kotel.
An initiative for mass dancing of the Bulgarian traditional dance horo is provoked by the association "Azbukari" and the unification "Bulgarians for Bulgaria".
From March 3rd to March 5th, the National Palace of Culture will present an exhibition of the most interesting treasures and valuable exhibits of Bulgarian museums and galleries.
Horse racing and concerts will mark Todorovden in the village of Bachevo, Razlg. The holiday, also known as Horse Easter, is among the most celebrated in the village, whose flag is not accidentally with a horse included.
Horse racing, with which to chase the winter, organizing in Apriltsi. The beginning of the rails is at 10 the Marinska area in the city's Vidima neighborhood
One of the most interesting wedding tradition preserved in Bulgaria is those in the Ribnovo village.
The unique for Strandja white mummers can be seen on 18th of February in Malko Tarnovo.
The Pali Kosh festival is traditionally celebrated in the village of Priselci, Avren municipality on the night before Sirni Zagovezni.
On February 17th and 18th, mummers will drive out the evil spirits from Karlovo. Traditionally the marching feast in the town of Starchovden is held the day before Sirni Zagovezni.