The Orienteering World Cup in 2021 will be held in Chepelare. At its meeting, the Council of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF) awarded Bulgaria the hosting of the European Championship and the World Orienteering Cup and the World Ski Orienteering Championship for veterans. The Organizing Committee of the competitions unanimously decided to hold them in the Rhodopes with the center of the city of Chepelare from 6 to 12 February 2021.

The competition areas are Rozhen meadows and Haidushki meadows. It is expected that 250-300 competitors from 20 countries will take part in the competitions. The Municipality of Chepelare will be a major partner in the organization of the competition. At the end of January this year. The Organizing Committee will meet with the Mayor of Chepelare Municipality, Mr. Boran Hadjiev, to develop a strategy and plan for the organization of the competitions.