
Eagle On The Danube – Eighth Edition

Eagle On The Danube – Eighth Edition

At the end of the week more than 200 gladiators, centurions and other Roman soldiers will arrive in Svishtov. Goups of reenactors from Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Poland will enter gladiator battles and recreate the lifestyle of the Roman legion, inhabited the ancient city of Novae.

The forum includes reenactments and military ceremonies as well as presentation of the life of the Thracians, who inhabited the lands around Danube river in antiquity. All this will take place throughout the eighth edition of the festival Eagle On The Danube.

The official opening of the festival is on May 16. It will include a fire show and inauguration of the scores of Roman military flags. “This will be the most sacred part of the military camp – the Sanctuary, which we were able to restore together with the headquarters building – the Principia and the Basilica. The Bulgarian groups are from Svishtov, Plovdiv, Kozloduy. They will be accompanied by the local survival school “Bagatur”. Polish participants will transform into Barbarians and Goths, Romanian ones – into the Thracian tribe of Dacians. The Italian gladiators from “Gruppo Storico Romano”, known worldwide, are anticipated with great interest.

The size of the First Italian legion (Legio prima Italica) ever stayed in Novae was about 6,000 people. The restorations of the military camp near Svishtov and of other historical sites are one of their kind in Europe. The most for remarkable fact is that the Basilica, built on the territory of the town of Novae, was the second largest on the Balkan Peninsula.

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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.