Events Calendar – Plovdiv 2013
January-June “A Hundred Percent Brahms” Music Festival February “Stage, Palette, Word” Winter Art Festival March Sofia Film Fest in Plovdiv April “Art Positive” Festival for Contemporary Arts Austrian Music Weeks April-May European Music Festival 29th April – 5th May Eastern Holidays May “Otets Paisiy Street” Festival 17-19th May Ancient Festival 20th May–29th June International Festival “Balabanov`s House Music Days” May-June International Festival of Chamber Theatre “Black Box” May-June Days of the Literature and the Book “Plovdiv Reads” 17th May – 21st June National Competition for Young Performers of Rose Festival 31st May – 1st June Kazanlak Rose Festival – Karlovo 1-4th June International Children’s Ballet Festival “With love for the dance” June International Festival of Francophone Song “Golden Key” 7-9th June Festival of Old Urban Song “Tender Feelings” 10-20th June International Festival of Chamber Music in the Ethnographic Museum June-July Festival of Opera Art at the Ancient Theatre 24-30th June Crafts Week in the Ethnographic Museum 29th July – 4th August International Folklore Festival at the Ancient Theatre August International Symposium “Art Collage” 1st September Opening with a concert at the Ancient Theatre 6th September Ceremonial Celebration of 6th September The Unification of Bulgaria and Plovdiv’s Celebration Day 1-30th September National Autumn Exhibitions in the Old Town September International Puppet Theatre Festival “Three Are Too Many, Two – Not Enough” Facade Video Festival Night of Museums and Galleries Celebrations of the Old Town “Sounds Of The Ages” Festival September-October Weeks of the Modern Art 10-23rd September International Theatre Festival “Stage on Crossroads” 20-22nd September Ancient Festival Plovdiv Rock Fest September 28th September–24th October Days International Festival “Balabanov`s House Music” September-October International Television Festival “Golden Chest” October International Festival of The Guitar International Festival “Plovdiv Jazz Evenings” December Christmas and New Year