
Free ski passes for Bansko students

Free ski passes for the whole winter season will be given to the students from Bansko Municipality. Passes for all children and young people from 1st to 12th grade will be valid for all Saturdays and Sundays until the end of the ski season. Students can go skiing for free also during school breaks as well.

bansko world snow day

In order to receive such a pass, they must file a declaration. The documents are accepted until December 20th at the front office in the building of Bansko Municipality. You can also get more information about the initiative from Vanya Marcheva at 0985/550661.

bansko prices ski passes
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I love to travel because of the encounters with diverse people and cultures and the chance to touch other worlds. And this can happen even without leaving the borders of your own country. For example, at a festival, you can travel thousands of years and dozens of borders without leaving your place. For me, the journey is not only beautiful landscapes and ancient landmarks but also thousands of human stories. Let's learn them together.