Between 7th and October 9th in Plovdiv will be held the 10th International Guitar Festival GuitArt. Besides a rich music program and master classes, art lovers will have a unique chance to enjoy the Roman mosaic from the third and fourth century AD. Because the host of the event is the cultural center Trakart.
It is located in underpass “Archeological” and the museum is actually housed in the place where stood шге late antique residential EIPHNH from 3-4 century AD. The ruins and the preserved Roman mosaics are the reason the place is called a monument of national importance for Bulgaria. In the museum you can explore the really impressive and extensive collection “The glass in antique art.” The exhibits in her track different techniques from 5th century BC to the 4th century AD.
The tickets for a single concert of the festival cost 10 lev /approximately 5 euro/ and for 5 concerts – 35 lev /approximately 17 euro/. The opening of the festival is at 07:00 a.m. on October 7th with a recital of the French musican Gabriel Bianco. The program continues with a concert by The Teachers. A Saturday workshop is provided by Tsvetan Nedialkov and is focused on improvisation in different styles of music.
Also on Saturday, there are workshops leaded by Svetlin Staikov and Del Padre, a recital of Spasimir Stoychev and a concert of Miscelanea Guitart Quartet from Austria. On Sunday, the day is dedicated to the master classes and workshop of Spectrum Music Lab. The festival will close with concert of Del Padre.