
Iconographers from all over the world show their art in Etara

Iconographers from all over the world will show their art and compete with each other in Etara during the International Fair of Traditional Crafts. The event will be held from 2 to 6 September in the ethnographic complex, which is located near Gabrovo. For the first time in the history of the master’s competition, the theme is icon painting. The awarded exhibits will be displayed next year in the exhibition hall of Etara.

etara traditional crafts

For the first time, young men will also be able to score strength. Their race will be held from 3rd to 5th September. Usually, the masters have to do one work on a given topic and another at their discretion. During the event visitors to Etara will be able to reveal the secrets of over 15 traditional crafts from around the world. Masters will take part besides Bulgaria and from the Republic of South Africa, Sudan, Croatia, Serbia, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine.

etara traditional crafts

In addition, during the fair, there will be a bazaar exhibition of dyeing with plant dyes and the decoration of traditional clothing. In it, you will be able to see how are made decorative furs and products of maize noise, colouring of gaitan, decorating Rhodopes and other interesting traditions.

etara traditional crafts

Exhibition-Bazaar of Woven Products will present the last year’s winner in the master race of the fair in the discipline of weaving belts – Mariana Dimitrova. For the first time, there is also an area for contemporary artists who can present their modern reading of traditional crafts.


etara traditional crafts

You can see what is the foreign participation in the history of the fair in another special exhibition. From 10 am to 4 pm between 4th and 6th September, you will also see how was done a traditional homework by the Bulgarians such as beating butter in a Balkan dairy, smoking, and pruning of plums, preparing marmalade. You can also learn about the ins and outs of blacksmiths and stone masons and steal the craft.

etara traditional crafts

По време на панаира организаторите са подготвили  и още една изненада – изложба на традиционни занаяти от Иран.  Ще можете да разгледате произведения на традиционната иранска миниатюра и калиграфия, както и предмети на традиционните ирански занаяти „каламзани“ (вид гравиране върху метал), „минакари“ (вид емайлиране) и „хатамкари“ (вид инкрустация върху дърво).

etara traditional crafts

Както всяка година е предвидена и богата фолклорна програма. На 2-ри септември можете да се насладите на изпълненията на ансанбъл „Българе“ и на хърватския фолклорен ансанбъл „Зипка“.  На 3-ти септември отново ще участват гостите от Хърватия, както и вокална група „Авигея“ и габровския фолклорен ансанбъл „Сивек“.  На 6-ти септември в Етъра можете да чуете „Димитър Льолев квартет“ и оркестър „Габрово“.

etara traditional crafts
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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.