For another summer, hotels and other accommodations in Bulgaria will not be connected in real time with the tax officials, the police, the municipalities and the Ministry of Tourism. In spite of the fact that according to the promises, the system had to be operational by May this year, this will not happen, because the places to be accommodated will have until October 1st to bind with it. Or after the end of the summer season. This was made clear by the words of the responsible minister Nikolina Angelkova.

Otherwise, the system will be active from tomorrow. Its introduction was delayed for several years, first because of the inactivity or reluctance of officials, and then for almost two years of appealing the competition to a firm to build it in court. In fact, the system does not just give statistical information about how many tourists are in the country and connects the databases, but it also helps to lighten the business.

Connecting to ESTIs will take place both through the interface of the system and through existing hotel systems in order not to make the service more expensive, Angelkova explained. Each place of accommodation will receive a unique ID and will be able to enter data as well as track the old ones. All system data will only be visible to controllers, and each accommodation will only see its information. 18 800 are the listed hotels and tourist sites that should be included in the system. Those who fail to do so will be fined from 1000 to 6000 leva. Three violations can also result in the closure of the site.