Melia Grand Hermitage, Golden Sands – Family Oriented Hotel
As Animation team Melia Grand Hermitage provides the complete entertainment program in the hotel. Especially, this year Melia Grand Hermitage have focused attention on little guests – the children. The hotel has enriched our children program and facilities. Melia Grand Hermitage welcomes the kids in a brand new large and well furnished Kids Club, decorated by some of the kids’ favorite characters – Batman, Spiderman, Winnie the Pooh etc. All children love to play pool games, and Melia Grand Hermitage recognizes that very well – with a newly decorated and colorful children pool. Melia Grand Hermitage completes the experience for the children by organizing different activities, such as Indian Day, Pirate Day, Treasure Hunt, Face Painting, a variety of games and fun points, and of course Mini Disco every night. Booking Melia Grand Hermitage