
In Melnik choose the best winemakers

The best producers of domestic wine will compete during the festival “Golden bunch” in Melnik. The celebration will take place on 11th and February 12th in the smallest Bulgarian town. An admirer of the famous local red wine was the British politician Winston Churchill. He ordered each year hundreds of liters of the unique grape elixir.

melnik wine

The winemakers will compete in two categories – for the best drink from the variety “Wide Melnik Vine” and the best “Bouquet” wine. For the guests on the feast are provided free drinks. The audience will choose the best drink according to the people. All the guests in the holiday will have a chance to win and a lot of prizes.

melnik wine

In the folklore program will participate brass band “Sandanski”, Bobby Bakalov, mummers group of Petrich, the groups of community centers “Vasil Levski” in Sandanski and “Probuda” in Ovchartsi village, Sapareeva banya, the pipes orchestra “Kapitan Petko Voyvoda”, “Goleshovski fantove” and dance group ” Praznik”.

melnik wine

During the festival, you can visit the museum of wine in Melnik. Thre you can order a bottle designed with your picture instead with the label. Most often visitors choose to put a label of their wedding photos or the pictures of their beloved ones. The bottle itself is closed before your eyes and sealed with a wax plug.

museum wine melnik
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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.