
The original Panagyurishte treasure returns home to May 29

The original Panagyurishte gold treasure can be seen in the museum of its home city from April 11 to May 29. It consists of 9 gold objects having a total weight of more than 6 kg. But not the weight of the treasure made it world famous but its unique technique. It is assumed that the treasure is made in the late fourth or early third century BC.

Panagyurishte treasure

On the gold are shown scenes typical of the Thracians and the Greeks, but questions awaken and Negro chapters that alternate with acorns and plant elements on the gold fiala. The Rithons are shaped as bodies of animals – sheep, goat, and deer. One of them does depict the solemn feast in honor of the marriage of Dionysus with Cretan princess Ariadne. Three of the containers are pots shaped like the head of the Amazon. The handles of these pots are formed as a centaur.

Panagyurishte treasure
Panagyurishte treasure

Handles of the large amphora are formed by fighting one another a centaur, and the wine is poured in Afroamerican  Glan. Vapfu amphora depicts the figure of a child Heracles struggling with the snake. The rich decoration of the amphora is complemented by expertly recreated scenes from mythology. It is not clear who was the owner of the golden treasure. There are two theories about its origin. According to a unique treatment is the work of local craftsmen – Thracians, while other think that it was made in the city Lampask, Hellenic colony, on the territory of modern Turkey.

Panagyurishte treasure

The golden treasure was found in 1949 in near Panagyurishte by three brothers Deykovi. Now it will be displayed in a specially built hall-vault in 2012 in the Historical Museum of Panagyurishte. The return of the world-famous treasure in Panagyurishte even temporarily coincides with the celebrations dedicated to the April Uprising of May 1.

Panagyurishte treasure
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