
Mirrors for flamingos install in the Plovdiv’s zoo

The animals in the new zoo in Plovdiv will enjoy many extras. The conditions in which they will live are as closest to the natural as possible. For example, for the pink flamingos at the zoo will be installed special mirrors. The birds are used to living in large colonies and reflectors will give them the feeling that they are more than in reality. Most place the zoo provided for bears. They will rife 3 of 40 acres of the area of the zoo. For the bears there are many hollows, so they could be alone if desired. Visitors will even have a chance to look at them from different angles and even face to face behind a glass wall.

plovdiv zoo

Plovdiv Zoo will be the most modern in Bulgaria and consistent as possible with the specifics of the animals so that they do not feel imprisoned. Expected to open within months. The habitats are already built and the zoo must now be filled with animals. Visitors to the town will be able to admire also a tiger who will welcome them at entrance of the zoo. Originally the site was intended for a modern aquarium, but its expect the big cat to cause more interest. Camels and other animals that are not accustomed to the cold in Bulgaria will enjoy a heat in winter, thanks to air-conditioners.

plovdiv zoo

The Asian otters, which are in the Red Book of protected species, are expected to be an attraction. They are the smallest otters. Their length reaches up to a meter and weighing up to 5 kg. It is assumed that children will have most fun with the capricious and mischievous monkeys. In Plovdiv should arrive also the protected monkeys –  monk. Visitors can admire another protected species – Ocelot. These cats are unfortunately almost exterminated in the wild.

plovdiv zoo

The visitors to feel like in a cartoon during the visit will help the meerkats. Fun will bring also the Patagonian hares – Mari. Besides flamingos at the zoo the visitors will be able to enjoy a lot of other interesting birds. Cranes are an example of families as African birds grown children together and have the same care for them, even the male incubates. Plovdiv will become familiar with the specifics of rhea / Ostrich decent, but smaller in size birds /,  singing parrots, pheasants, peacocks, emus, storks, raptors and waterfowl.

plovdiv zoo

Ticket prices are not yet clear, but it is expected entry fee to the zoo initially to be around 4-5 lev /2-3 euro/ and children up to an age of 7 to enter free. The Zoo visitors will enjoy more of llamas, jackals, wolves, foxes, deer, badger, skunk, Cameroon goat, chamois, ibex, bison, yaks, crocodiles, wild pigs, deer, red deer and fallow deer.

plovdiv zoo
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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.