If you want to uncover the secrets of DNA at once, visit Patagonia, to find out how much science there is in a bottle of whiskey and a bunch of other interesting facts, do not miss to visit the Science Festival in Sofia. It will be held from 11th to 14th May in Sofia Tech Park. For how Israel has become from a desert to one of the leading startup nations, you can learn on the first day of the event by the Nobel laureate in Chemistry professor Dan Shechtman. The beginning of his lecture is at 7 p.m. The event is free, but you must keep your pass online.

If you want to try distilled Scotch whiskey from already closed distilleries and learn about the scientific secrets in the bottle, visit the tasting-lecture at 08:30 p.m. The event is only for adults and the entrance ticket costs 5 leva or approximately 2,5 euro. May 3 foresees 3 events. From 05:30 p.m. onwards, 8-12 grade students can attend literary dialogues and understand the illnesses of their favorite literary heroes. The event is free but you must keep an online pass

At the 12th there are two more events, aimed at the older audience, each ticket costing 5 leva or approximately 2,5 euro each. More about the information storage you can learn from Timandra Harkness at 08:30 p.m. Since 7 p.m. is the lecture for gravitational waves as ambassadors of the Universe of Prof. Alicia Sintess.

The festival program for the two days of the weekend of 13th and 14th May is significantly richer. Which are the most exciting micro-organisms and more for them can teach children from 1st to 4th grade at 10 a.m. They can learn more about the cheerful side of the sport at 11 a.m. with the help of the physicist Ruth Perkins. The older ones can learn at 11:30 p.m. how to protect themselves from financial fraud online. From 1 p.m. onwards, you can learn how the colors affect us. Events are free, but you need to keep an online pass.

Is there a dark galaxy that exists in parallel with the Milky Way you can find out from 1 p.m. with by Dr. Vladimir Bozhilov. The entrance fee is 5 leva or approximately 2,5 euro. You also have to pay if you choose to uncover some of the hackers’ secrets at 1:30 p.m. Which are the extraterrestrial places on earth you can learn completely free of charge from 2:30 p.m. At 3 p.m. you can find out more about new technologies in medicine, and at 4 p.m. arguments for and against killing animals like hunting trophies.

A group of scientists will debunk the funniest myths in science at 4 p.m. At 04:30 you will be convinced with the stories of Dr. Peter Beron that science can also be an adventure. At 05:30 p.m. there will be a story about another world – the unknown Patagonia. More about the scientific side of the bread will tell you at the same time Ivaila Sopotska. Where is the conflict zone between science and religion will become clear from 7 p.m. The last lecture of the day is about the viruses from the past at 08:30 p.m.

Sunday will start again with fun for the youngest. From 10 a.m., they can get acquainted with curious facts of the world of nature and from 11:30 a.m. to cook tied up for a partner. What is the energy of the future you will find out at 11:30 a.m., and exactly at 12 starts the exclusive screening of the film “Origin: The Journey of Mankind”. More about elemental particles and the universe will tell you at 01:30 p.m., and from 1 p.m. you can find out more about fake news. At 01:30 p.m. you will learn why the patient should be treated rather than the disease. At 02:30 p.m. here is a talk about chemical elements and at 3 p.m. a story about what the jungles are and why they should be explored.

Take a look at the future of portable electronic gadgets from 3 p.m. To experience hurriedly one day in the life of a scholar you will have a chance at 4 p.m. You can travel in the wonderful world of DNA from 04:30 p.m. At the same time, you can learn more about whether the Bulgarian beaches of the Black Sea are at risk. The national stage of the FameLab International Laboratory competition will take place from 6 p.m.It is also the last event in the program of the Sofia Science Festival.