
Similarities and differences between the Bulgarian resorts and Tenerife

When a person goes on vacation often wonders whether to choose already known favorite destination or to jump into the unknown in the hope that it will be a nice surprise. To help you in choosing in the new section of blog.kittbg.com we will offer you our comparisons between the Bulgarian resorts and those abroad. We start with Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

Bulgaria - Tenerife

The beaches

Anyone who knows Bulgarian beaches associate the word “beach” with gentle sand and calm, warm sea. Around the world, however only a few resorts fit into this picture. Instead of yellow sand, often referred to as gold, the beaches of Tenerife are covered with stones or black, quite large volcanic sand. The advantage of this sand is that it is easy to be cleaned from your towel. However, lying there without sunbed is not quite a pleasant thing to do. The Atlantic ocean, unlike the Black Sea is very cold and the waves make the swimming there very dangerous. But and if you go on a trip with kanamaran and are not afraid of seasickness you can enjoy the game of dolphins and whales.

tenerife beach
Golden Beach

The pool

Almost every hotel in both places has its own swimming pool with free umbrelas and sunbeds. In Tenerife you can choose to collect tan around the swimming poll, but unlike Bulgarian waterparks there are not waterslides and other facilities. With the exception of Sian Park, which itself is if not the best, at least one of the best aqua parks in Europe. The entrance fee there is 3 times more expensive than the one for the Bulgarian waterparks. In other water centers with more pools, the advantage is that the pools are filled with a salty water from the ocean. However, it is not heated and resembles is freezing cold.

tenerife water park

The prices

Undoubtedly, the biggest advantage of Tenerife are the prices of all goods. Because of the fact that it is free tax zone, all the stores in the largest island of the Canaries will offer you tremendously good deals. We encourage you to pick up on your way to the vacation only the most necessary things in your luggage. Everything else you can buy in Tenerife and get advantage from the cheap prices there. Furthermore, in this case you won’t have to pay for an extra baggage thereafter. Despite the low prices Tenerife comes out more expensive than the Bulgarian resorts as a price for accommodation. The food will be a nice surprise but the exclusive hotels in Tenerife are old and lower class then the Bulgarian ones. There is a small detail that after 22:00 p.m. you can’t buy an alcoholic drink and beer from any shop on the island. While in Bulgaria you can buy whatever you want around the clock. Restaurants in Tenerife literally chase the last customers at the end of their working time at around 23:30 p.m. In Bulgaria there is a unwritten rule that the pubs close after the last customer leaves.

tenerife street

The location

In Bulgaria, the closer to the sea is your property, the richer you are. While in Tenerife the most expensive apartments and houses are located on the hill above the cities and are not close at all to the Atlantic ocean. The most luxurious hotels also are situated far away from the ocean. Maybe because there was no vacancy for the construction of a new wealthy houses and hotels near the sea.


The attractions

Undoubtedly the biggest attraction in Tenerihfe is Loro Park. The place is a combination of aquarium, botanical and zoological garden. In addition to the hundreds of plants, gorillas, red panda and dozens of species of flora and fauna you can enjoy the shows of trained dolphins, whales, orcas and parrots. If you are looking for a history tour it may be difficult because the traditions of the local people guanchinte is almost extinct after the Spanish conquered the island. At the same time in Bulgaria you can enjoy cultural tourism and to have a look at ancient artifacts, hundreds and thousands years old.

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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.