On the 18th of August 19th, the followers of the teacher Peter Dunov welcome the Solar New Year on the Seven Rila Lakes. They gather near the Lake Bubreka and welcome the sunrise with prayers, spiritual talks and written by Dunov music and the dance paneurhythmy. It is composed of light movements and steps, and the followers of the teacher are arranged in concentric circles and dressed entirely in white clothes.

It is believed that performing the dance paneurhythmy early morning in nature improves concentration and memory, joint condition, respiratory function, normalizes blood pressure. It is not accidental that they call it the dance of life. The followers of the white brotherhood, as well as the teachings from all over the world, are gathering near the Rila Lakes because, according to Dunov, this is one of the energy centers of the planet.

More than 2,000 people from all over the world participate each year in the ritual. Among the most famous followers of Dunov is the designer Paco Raban. To make sure that the Seven Rila Lakes are not accidentally selected as the scene of this ritual, visit them. Even if you can not do this in the early morning of August 19, choose a comfortable time for you and enjoy the incredible blue-green fairy tale. Moreover, access to the lakes has been incredibly easy in recent years.

With a lift, you can reach the foot of the lakes. That is why in the summer, especially at weekends, you can decide that you are in a big city and not in the wild. The lift, on the other hand, allows people with motor or other health problems to enjoy the incredible beauty of the lakes. It is closed every last Monday of the month for technical prophylaxis. Otherwise, it works from 08.30 a.m. to 07.30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and until 06.30 p.m. on the other days of the week. On Monday, however, his work began only at 12.30 p.m.

The two-way ticket for the lift costs 18 leva /approximately 9 euro/ and the one-way 10 leva /approximately 5 euro/. Various discounts are available for children, retirees and disabled, as well as cards for multiple visits. If you want to walk to the lakes, as it happens before the lift is built, you can leave from Panichishte. The nearest lakes to the lift are Bunbreka /the Kidney/ and Ribnoto /The Fish/, and you have to choose which one you want to visit first because they are in different directions. Each one of them comes in for a normal 40-minute walk. You can climb to the tallest Lake Sulzata /The Tear/, and from the Lake Peak right next to it you can see some of the other lakes.

With no rush, you can tour all the lakes – Sulzata /The Tear/, Okoto / The Eye/, Bubreka /The Kidney/, Bliznaka /The Twin/, Trilistnika / The Trefoil/, Ribnoto /The Fish/ and Dolnoto / The Lower Lake/ for about 4 hours. The bathing in lakes is forbidden. Spread the legend of the lakes formed from the tears of a giant woman, who wept long and uncomfortably on her man who died in the battle against the evil powers. Even if you do not believe it, you can see through the shadows the profile of the giant who looks from the Lake Babreca. Or just enjoy the incredible landscapes and spend a wonderful day in the Rila Mountains.