
The Springs of Orpheus

Over the years many people have talked about the incredible tourist resource of Bulgaria. However, few of the tourism speakers in Bulgaria could have gone beyond the Balkantourist /the former communist state enterprise/ horizon.

Orpheus Springs

I will share my opinion about tourism resource in Bulgaria, which is not part of the product of the past “Balkantourist”. There are two river springs in Bulgaria – the springs of the Iskar and Maritsa rivers. According to Peter Bogdan’s history, these are the springs of Orpheus. Does the world know Orpheus? Yes, it knows him. And here comes the question of whether tourists want to visit the springs of Orpheus where the ancient history can rise, where Rila mountain can be heard by Orpheus music motifs?

Orpheus Springs

How will tourists not want it? They would even guess that they yearn for these springs and their magic. Well, is it not right for our state to make very little effort and these springs to become accessible to tourists and they can enjoy Orpheus’s myth and magic? It is and is more than necessary.

Orpheus Springs

Why does not our country want to give tourists from all over the world the opportunity to become part of the magic and the myth of Orpheus? So these springs as a tourist product will not have seasons. Nowadays, in the age of the Internet, the emergence of sources on the world tourist map will bring undue interest. Why did not interest? Because it’s about the springs of Orpheus, for that. Whether in the Ministry of Tourism know about the existence of the springs of Orpheus? Probably not.

Orpheus Springs

What would they do in other countries if they have such sources? Let’s ask the Germans and they will show us the Danube spring, where tourists from all over the world are coming. Etc. What do we do in Bulgaria? The answer is nothing.

Orpheus Springs
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