
In Sunny Beach meet the first July morning with a DJ party

A spectacular party will blow the southern beach in Sunny Beach on the night of July 1. Hundreds of fans will gather together on the coast and, according to a Bulgarian tradition dating back to communism, when rock music was forbidden in the country, they will meet together the first morning of July. The evening of June 30 will start with the warm-up party. Behind the board will be two of the most iconic DJ names – Dimo ​​BG and C-Fusion. Guests will be attracted by artists of stilts.

Организаторите на партито обещават купонът да продължи до зори. Бляскав спектакъл озаглавен Fairy tale ще пренесе купонджиите в един вълшебен свят на фантазии и феерия. Ще има и специални гости от Румъния – четирима атрактивни артисти, които ще превърнат всеки танц в приказка. Вокалните изпълнения на Vera Russo MC ще допълнят по несравним начин грандиозният спектакъл.

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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.