Horse races will take place in Bulgaria today on the occasion of Todorovden. The holiday, also known as Horse Easter is celebrated on the first Saturday of Lent. According to the custom are organisede races with horse rides and horse jumping. The tradition dictates that with the men have to weave the manes and the tails of their horses and to decorate them with tassels, beads, and flowers.

Women do need to knead and distribute ritual bread and to feed the horses with it as well. They also cook wheat, which is blessed in the church later. On the day are organized also attractive horse races. In the past the winnerwas giventowel or shirt, and for the horse there was a new bridle. Nowadays, however, more often the prizes are just money.

Of attraction, you can enjoy from 10:00 a.m. in Burgas in the park “Ezeroto”. The program includes competitions for professionals and amateurs, as well as children. Then everyone from the audience will be able to walk into the arena on ponies. The program includes performances of Strandja folklore

Valya Balkanska and 100 bagpipes will resound the village of Kalugerovo, Pazardzhik on Todorovden. In addition to the traditional d races will be held competitions forrunning with weigh for horses in 7 different categories. On the feast will be provided different kinds of barbecue, raffle prizes for the audience and a playground for the children.

In the architectural reserve “Etar“ near Gabrovo you can see the reconstruction of the customs of Todorovden at 11:30 a.m. and at 13:30 a.m. On the second floor of Tabahana will be organized entertainment for children – making horse tassels against the evil eye, riding wooden horses, as well as a demonstration of customs for the holiday.

In Shumen will also celebrate the holiday with horse. For the 27th time in Arbanassi near Veliko Tarnovo will choose the most bonny horse. The celebration will begin with a ceremony at 11:30 a.m. in the central square in the village. For the good mood of the audience will be made and given 300 meatballs and 50 liters of red wine. There will be also entertaining musical program.