An unique golden heart over 1000 years old is discovered during excavations in the old Bulgarian capital Veliki Preslav. It is suspected that the rich dress belonged to Queen Marya – the wife of King Peter I, ruled Bulgaria between 927 and 970 AD. The jewel is in 5 enamel colors – blue, green, cherry, white and ivory that are on 23-karat gold plate.

The unique heart could be a part of the golden treasure found in Preslav. Everyone can see it in the historical museum. The jewelry was found during excavations near the royal residence of the Second Bulgarian capital. The entrance to the ruins and the museum with many exhibits and treasures worth 5 lev /approximately 2,5 euro/. A ticket for families with one or more children costs 10 lev /approximately 5 euro/. There are discounts for students, seniors, students, people with disabilities.

Among the ruins, you can see besides the foundations of the palace, which today impresses with its size, the royal basilica. It is assumed that it was built during the reign of king Boris, who actually laid the foundations of Veliki Preslav and for 28 years managed to turn the second Bulgarian capital into a prosperous city, impressive for its time with size, regulations and resources.

It can still be seen where was the throne hall in the palace complex and the representative premises in which waited the foreign envoys before being greeted by the ruler. You may be surprised also from the sewerage system, which was build through the entire city and from the palace church. The bathroom, built in the 9th century over an older building with the same purpose was heated with a system of hot air.

Before you reach one of the most impressive buildings – the Round Church, you must walk past the square with the phial. Although today are preserved only its basics it is a testament to good architecture of the Bulgarians from that time. It represents a decorative pool shaped octagon, which was powered by a complex system with water. From the top of the restored South Gate and its towers you can enjoy the view of the city and imagine how it looked centuries ago.

Near the wall was the location of the business premises and on the way to church you will pass also remains of a pagan temple. Undoubtedly the most impressive in the capital is the Round Church, also known as The Gold Church. It is assumed that in its glory and splendor it has surpassed even the “St Sophia” in Constantinople. The name of the church comes from the fact that it was richly decorated and even from a great distance could be seen its luster.

The church was carved with marble slabs and cornices, coverings and painted glass ceramics and even gold. The floor looked like a multicolored carpet because the mosaic of colored marbles arranged in geometric compositions. On the stone walls were found paintings, Greek names of saints and texts in Glagolitic and Cyrillic. In the columns were encrusted golden crosses. To imagine the splendor of the temple, however, you must walk to Veliki Preslav.