
Young men showed muscles on the beach in Varna

In the last century the beach of Varna looked different, but certainly there was something interesting to be seen. The place was favorite of the local young men not because of the desire collect tan but mainly to show their muscular bodies to domestic and foreign girls.

Varna retro

The beach was a place to meet a new crush and caused a lot of weddings. Going to the beach also often ended with escapes from the country behind the Iron Curtain of the former communist bloc in the name of love. Instead of umbrellas and towels the holidaymakers most commonly were putting their bed sheets on the sand.

Varna retro

Eating in restaurants was also rare and only the forigners could afford it. Most of the Bulgarians on the beach preferred to quench their hunger with homemade sandwiches or to cut salad or watermelon on the beach. But the cold beer was from the nearby markets.

Varna retro
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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.