
The water from the well of Saint Dimitar Basarbovski heals near Rousse

Bassarbovo monastery is the only active rock monastery in Bulgaria. It is located 10 km from Ruse, in the valley of the river Lom. Like most holy places it is believed that the water there treats thousands of diseases and fullfiles dreams. If you want to heal yourself you should drink water from the well in the courtyard of the monastery, which according to popular belief is made from Saint himself Dimitar Basarbovski.

basarbovski monastery

The history of the rock cloister began in 13-14 century during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. In the rock niches lived monks Hesychasts who believed that solitude and prayers are the best way to reach God. Gradually the place is grown and turned into a monastery. Several centuries later, here spent his life and St. Demetrius Basarbovski.

basarbovski monastery

30 years after his death, however, a local girl have a dream in which the saint give her directions on how to found his imperishable body. The relic today is considered miraculous and is very revered in Bulgaria and Romania. Initially the relics were illuminated in the monastery, but the ruler of Wallachia was willing to take them. The relics were loaded on a wagon, but no matter how they tried to drive the horses the animals refuse to step ahead. They changed the horses but these animals again refused to walk and the relics stayed in the monastery.

basarbovski monastery

Later, during the Russo-Turkish War, they were loaded to be transferred to Russia. The road, however, passed through Bucharest in which people at that time died from the terrible plague. Once the relics entered the town, the disease escaped from there. Therefore the Romanians begged for the relics and they remained in Bucharest. Today everyone can worship them in the Patriarchal Cathedral “Constantine and Helena”.

basarbovski monastery

According to believers, however, even if you pray to St. Demetrius in the monastery near Rousse, your prayers will be heard. This is not the only reason to visit the Basarbovo monastery. It is interesting to climb the stone steps to the church in the rocks. Its wooden iconostasis was made in 1941, and next to it exposed an icon of St. Demetrius Basarbovski in full height. They say that the icon is also miraculous. Interesting is also the cave-tomb of monk Hrisant.

basarbovski monastery
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My greatest pleasure in life is to travel. Undoubtedly there are a lot of amazing places around the world worth visiting at least once in life. However, Bulgaria is such a place where you will wish to come back again and again. In every season and every region of this small country, you can find unique wonders. So share my travels.