One of the most interesting wedding tradition preserved in Bulgaria is those in the Ribnovo village. Normally the wedding season in it begins in December and ends in March, so you still have a chance to immerse yourself in the traditions. The biggest attraction in the village is the painted white faces of the brides, a symbol of the purity of the girls.

On the layers of white cream are fixed sparkling sequins in different colors with which the stress the beauty of the bride’s face. According to a legend, by the sequins, the young guys learn to tender while they are putting them down one by one from the face of his chosen one. The tradition dictates the whole village to be invited to the wedding. A dowry of the bride, which is often made of her skillful hands is hanging for days on stone walls in front of her house.

Since the fences can not cope with the diverse weight of all the pajamas, rugs, carpets, blankets, tablecloths, scarves, clothes and objects is built special wooden structures on which they hang. The Bulgarian Muslims in Ribnovo work from dawn to dusk tirelessly to be able to marry their daughters properly. Otherwise, it would be insulting the honor of the family.

Every bride is decorated with strings of money given to her as a present so the young couple should have a proper start in life. In the first presentation of the new family, whitewashed and covered with sequins the bride I standing silently beside her chosen one with her eyes closed so no one would envy her beauty or wealth with her evil eye. At that time the village observed the pair and enjoy them.