Everything that is far from the sea is a province, says Hemingway. To feel at the centre of the universe take time and enjoy the golden autumn by the sea. Take part in the game, organized by https://travelbulgaria.news/ and you have the chance to win a weekend for two in November at the 4-star Mistral Hotel in Balchik – https://hotelmistralbg.com/ .

In the autumn, without hindering crowds of tourists, you can safely explore the sights of the seaside town and enjoy wonderful sea scenery, sunrises and sunsets from the hotel window. In good weather, you can also rent a yacht to stroll around, and luckily enjoy the dolphin game.

In Balchik, you will also not be bored. While in town, you can explore the unique Botanical Gardens and the Palace in it, created on the spot of Rome’s favourite summer residence, Maria Princess. Here is the second largest collection of cacti in Europe after Monaco.

Only 30 km away are Varna and the resort of St. St. Konstantin and Elena, also known for the mineral water pools, which work all year round. In order to have a chance to win a free weekend, enjoy our Facebook page – https://web.facebook.com/Bulgaria.Travel.News/ and share the game itself. Good luck!